網(wǎng)站建設中元素絕對定位時(shí),如果除bottom外某個(gè)任意偏移屬性設置為auto,會(huì )有一種特殊的行為。下面以top為例,考慮以下標記:
When we consider Che effect of positioning, it quickly becomes clear that authors
can do a great deal of damage to layout, just as they can do very interesting
things.<span style="position.: absolute; top: auto; left: 0;">[4]</span> This is usually the case with useful technologies: the sword always has at least two edges, both of them sharp.
會(huì )發(fā)生什么呢?對于left,很簡(jiǎn)單:元素的左邊界會(huì )相對于其包含塊的左邊界放置(可以假設其包含塊是初始包含塊)。不過(guò),對于top,還會(huì )發(fā)生一些更有意思的事情。定位元素的頂端要相對于其未定位前本來(lái)的頂端位置對齊。換句話(huà)說(shuō),假設網(wǎng)頁(yè)設計人員span的 position值為static,想象一下它會(huì )放在哪里,這就是其靜態(tài)位置,也就是計算出的其頂邊應在的位置。CSS2.1這樣描述:
如果left和right設置為auto,也適用同樣的基本規則。在這些情況下,定位元素的左(或右)邊界與元素未定位時(shí)該邊界原本的位置對齊。下面修改前面的例子,使top 和left都設置為auto:
When we consider the effect of positioning, it quickly becomes clear that
can. do a great deal of damage to layout, just as they can do very interesting
things.<span style="position: absolute; top: auto; left: auto;">[4]</span> This is usually the case with useful technologies: the sword always has at least two edges, both of them sharp.
“[4]”現在就位于其本來(lái)位置(即未定位前的位置)。注意,由于它已經(jīng)定位,其正常流空間關(guān)閉。這會(huì )導致網(wǎng)站建設定位元素與正常流內容重疊。
注意:應該注意到,網(wǎng)站建設CSS2和CSS2.1都指出在這樣的情況下,*網(wǎng)頁(yè)設計者可以自由猜測可能的[靜態(tài)]位置。當前瀏覽器在這方面做得很好,會(huì )按要求處理top和left的auto值,使元素的位置與其在正常流中原本的位置一致。
這種自動(dòng)放置只在某些情況下可行,這些情況下通常對定位元素的其他尺寸沒(méi)有什么限制。前面的例子可以自動(dòng)放置,因為它對其高度或寬度沒(méi)有任何限制,對下邊界和右邊界的放置也沒(méi)有限制。不過(guò),假設出于某種原因確實(shí)有這樣一些限制會(huì )怎么樣呢?請考慮以下標記:
When we consider the effect of positioning, it' quickly becomes clear that authors
can do a great deal of damage to layout, just as they can do very interesting
things.<span style="position: absolute; Copt auto; left: auto; right: 0; bottom: 0; height: 2em; width: 5em;">[4]</span> This is usually the case with
useful technologies: the sword always has at least two edges, both of them sharp.
此時(shí)無(wú)法滿(mǎn)足以上的全部值。要確定此時(shí)會(huì )發(fā)生什么,這是下一節要討論的問(wèn)題。